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GEA Westfalia
 is one of many major brands with which we work and that certainly could interest your company. For any request or information please contact us.

GEA Westfalia Separator BilgeMaster® cleandesign 5 ppm – new standards in bilge water processing.
Integrated, Retrofitted or “Stand-Alone” Customized configurations for all bilge water processing systems.


GEA Westfalia Separator BilgeMaster
® cleandesign:

Residual oil content downstream of separator
• Residual oil content downstream of separator adjusting separating temperature and capacity
• Constant monitoring of the overboard valve (similar to GEA Westfalia Separator SafetyMaster)
• Use of E40 control with graphic display and touch panel
• Optional in combination with SafetyMaster: system-integrated or “stand-alone”
• Retrofit for BilgeMaster®-E series possible
• Retrofit with adsorption filter possible

how it works


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