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De Palma Thermofluid will exhibit at Accadueo 2024, the event that will be held in Bari at the Fiera del Levante the 27th and 28th of November.

The Accadueo 2024 edition of Bari was thought with the aim of bringing together all the main players operating in the sector, networking them and disseminating the main innovations: from the most advanced technologies for the reuse of waste water to the role of the digital transition in management of water systems, from the most cutting-edge techniques for the desalination of sea water to the latest regulations regarding purification, passing through the critical issues and prospects of water supply and, in general, the different uses of water.

The De Palma Thermofluid staff will be glad to meet you at Stand 395 of the New Pavilion of the Fiera del Levante where they will be available to show the technical innovations, both for the industrial and marine sector.

Map Accadueo Bari 2024

There will be also Istitutions: this event is organized in collaboration with Acquedotto Pugliese (AQP), while Acquedotto Lucano (AQL) is Platinum Sponsor.

The Conferences will present experiences and “good practices” of international  organizations and entities, innovations and ideas that could inspire and support companies in the challenge of digital transformation to optimize water resources.

National and international experts will participate as speakers at the meetings, in order to encourage the sharing of knowledge and the adoption of innovations to improve efficiency in water and wastewater systems.

See the Conference Program; you can already download the “Free Ticket“: come and visit us, we will be happy to meet you!

For any information do not hesitate to contact us for any information: we will be at your complete disposal.


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