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Steam and the systems connected to it for transporting energy are of great importance within a complex industry such as the Marine.

On cruise ships, it is essential to meet the needs of the passengers as well as those of the crew at all times and in the shortest possible time.

There are many uses for steam on board ship: heating swimming pools and SPAs, supply of food, drinking water, waste disposal and laundry system, where it is used for washing, drying, sterilising and ironing processes for the dining rooms, linen for the cabins and clothing for the crew.

In all these cases, the steam used must be abundant, hot and continuous, so as to penetrate the densest and thickest fabric wefts, but also and above all ‘good quality’, i.e. clean, free of moisture, impurities and incondensable gases to avoid the risk of possible stains, particularly on the most delicate textiles.

Hence the need to use equipment specifically designed and sized to treat water and steam in compliance with the requirements.

The sizing of the steam system connected to the machines, with particular reference to the laundry of a cruise ship, must be evaluated with extreme care, as the steam flow rate at high temperature must be quantitatively high and constant, avoiding residual flows from the boiler due to sudden load peaks during service.

The ideal solution to suit all processes is not a simple boiler but the most technologically advanced, i.e. a clean steam generator that improves efficiency and reduces consumption.

For this reason, it is strategic to choose a supplier capable of supporting the company in the design of the plant and its specific requirements: De Palma Thermofluid has for decades been supplying the most suitable steam generators among those offered by Spirax-Sarco – the leader of manufacturers for industrial and marine steam plants – always guaranteeing maximum efficiency tailored to the specific needs of the ship plant.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any information: our staff is at your complete disposal!


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