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De Palma Thermofluid launches the new temperature sensors with its brand, marked out by an original colour (green) to differ on the market.

De Palma Thermofluid has been investing for years in research and development for different kinds of products with the purpose to obtain a perfect mix between high quality and competitive prices.

In this case, the real innovation is the opportunity to customize the sensors depending on features of the plant (thermoresistances PT100, thermoresistances PT100o, thermocouples K and thermocouples J) both for the material and for dimensions or temperature range. Delivery time within one week.

Temperature Sensors DPT

Each sensor is identified with a serial number that allows to be tracked in the future.

This plan of differentiation – thought to stronge the brand – will have positive results for the customer: sensors will be easily identified as a De Palma Thermofluid’s product, and this will speed up service time.

Thanks to the serial number, De Palma Thermofluid will track immediately the features of the sensor, guaranteeing a prompt feedback even after many years.

Our staff is at your disposal for further information!

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